Art Exhibition

Welcome to SEE SAW, a virtual art exhibition coming soon to a screen near you.

    Life in balance.
    Life off balance.
    The hesitant momentum that creates tipping points and stillness.
    Feeling weighed down only to be propelled suddenly upwards.
    On a high only to be brought low again.
    Seeking the point of balance.
    Missing the presence of those around us.
    Connecting virtually in an uncertain world.
    Look into our lives as artists and as people
    Riding the highs and lows one day at a time.
    With the way things are now, many of us find ourselves teeter-tottering back and forth. Everything changing. And so, in this time of ebb and flow, we must learn to ride the waves. While we may not know exactly how to do this, we do know that making artwork about it is an essential step in figuring it out.So, come to the SEE SAW exhibition coming soon to Leslie Grove Gallery's website and later in digital book form. In it you will see the results of how a group of 18 artists are trying to navigate the waters of their lives, sometimes in balance, and sometimes off. And who knows, maybe in the process of looking you will find ways to ride your own waves.


    A display of new imagery by 18 of Toronto’s emerging art stars. From March 16-21st we will have an online exhibition through Leslie Grove Art Gallery. Then, on April 15th we will have another opening for out digital “book” that will include even more artwork! Yep, you will be able to turn the pages, just like in a real book! Much of the imagery will be for sale in both of the shows. So buy early, buy often.
    Both the exhibition and the digital book will have separate URLs. We will post them here once they are up and running.
    Our grand opening celebration will held digitally (ZOOM, of course) on Thursday March 18th @ 7pm - 8 or 8:30. This will definitely be a BYOB – and a DYOB (drink your own bottle) event. We hope to see you there. Stay tuned.
    The exhibition with Leslie Grove Gallery runs March 16-21st. The digital book will be released in mid April.Who?
    Eighteen of the most talented emerging artists whom you will ever meet. They all met as classmates through the Fine Arts Studio Program at Centennial College. They are:
    Sidia Atabales-Schnitzler; Atiyah Azmi; Robert Blick; Dayton Cerasia; Carrera Chung; Nora Do; Tessa Dreossi; Zia Foley; Leanne Gibson; Kay Kaur; Anne Kim; Raven Maducdoc; Takanya Marsh; Christine Melendez; Jun Oh; Aleksandra Rodneva; Weijia Su; Chris WangWhy?
    ‘Cuz, this is what we do! Make challenging, provocative and entertaining imagery first to satisfy ourselves, and then as a gift to you to experience! Enjoy!
    For more info, contact: [email protected]

    Sidia Atabales-Schnitzler

    On my first day of preschool, I made a dramatic scene. I didn’t want my mother to leave. I was comforted by teachers, and so they allowed me to paint. Now, as an adult and emerging artist in Toronto, Ontario, not much has changed.I am exploring the relationship between subject and artist. I work from old photos – some of strangers and some of people with whom I am intimately familiar. In doing so I know that I am experimenting with my own unconscious. Projecting my own experience onto both. Do I experience more freedom when building the story around a person I don’t know? Or does it work the other way around? This is the adventure that I explore in every image. When I am done, I want to be able to mentally smell, hear and taste the work.Website

    Atiyah Azmi

    Atiyah Azmi grew up in Toronto, unaware of her artistic abilities she would search for until the age of 9. But not any artist career would do for Atiyah. It had to be something so well known, so profound, and so worth the amount of time she can invest herself into pursuing. Facing every artistic career head-on, she finally found herself face to face with the career of an Animator. But Atiyah was no ordinary animator. No! Along her path of discovery, she formed a bond between her and her pet birds. With stories and the love of her pets behind her, Atiyah has made it her goal to create Animations of her loveable pets she oh so adores. Through tears, sorrow, and happy memories all lodge straight into her little bird brain, Atiyah has shown, she has plenty to share.Website

    Robert Blick

    I’m a painter from Scarborough starting to get into sculpture. Balance is never easy, but I’m trying my best.Instagram

    Dayton Cerasia

    Dayton Cerasia was pushed into creating art at a young age due to a death in the family, he used art as a way to express, process and rationalize his emotions at the time. Ever since then painting has been a creative outlet and passion for him and he continues using his personal emotions and experiences as inspiration for his current and future pieces. Art for him is a form of expression and reflection of his emotions and he seeks to help himself and others through the ideas and visual representation of his pieces. He is enrolled in Centennial College Fine Arts Studio program and looks to present his works in galleries and host his own exhibitions in the near future.Instagram
    Email: [email protected]

    Carrera Chung

    One of Carrera’s earlier memories is of being attracted by a painting displayed in a store window. This experience at only 12 years convinced her to start drawing lessons. And she hasn’t looked back since. Ms. Chung is naturally attracted to the soft and gentle voice of watercolours. Her education and job experience working with children have only reinforced this empathetic approach to expression. Chung’s experience in the Fine Arts Studio Program at Centennial College has broadened her exploration of colour and unconventional elements in her creative practice. She is now anxiously anticipating her career as a professional where she can blend the broad range of her experiences, her studies, and her blossoming skills as an artist.Instagram

    Nora Do

    Coming from a conservative family who views art as undesirable, Nora Do was determined that she would pursue her interest and enrolled in Fine Art at Centennial College. It was here that she explored different techniques and skills and finally stepped out of her comfort zone. She recently discovered her love for oil painting and digital illustration. Realism is her strength, and she has been working hard on improving her skills to take it to the next level. Nora’s journey as an artist has only just begun, but she believes that with the mindset and her drive towards higher goals, she will be able to build a successful business using her creativity.Instagram

    Tessa Dreossi

    Ever since I was young I have been interested in art, through high school I decided I wanted to pursue it in college. I am partaking in a Fine Art program at Centennial Story Arts Centre, currently in my second and last year. I am a tattoo apprentice at a shop in Toronto called Ink Living Color. I want to help my future clients channel their emotions through art in their own way. I aim to show emotions and expression through different techniques and styles in my work.Instagram
    Tik Tok
    Email: [email protected]

    Zia Foley

    Before working as an artist, Zia studied history and international relations, and lived and worked abroad teaching English, primarily in Turkey and India. While travelling through the Middle East and Asia she photographed the patterns she found in traditional art, architecture, handcraft, and nature. In her work today, she draws on this exposure to a variety of cultures, by using traditional media to experiment with line, colour and form, creating vibrant pattern-based artwork.She has participated in a number of exhibitions both in Turkey and Canada. In 2020, she was awarded first place for the drawing category of the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s 2020 Student Art Contest. She has also participated in a number of art fairs and sales, including the Honest Shop Exhibition and Art Sale with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Toronto.Website
    Email: [email protected]

    Leanne Gibson

    Like many artists, Leanne Gibson's creative journey began as a child. But unlike other aspiring artists, she was immediately attracted to the power of “concept art”. As her creative voice grows, believable character development, emphatic use of colour and narrative structure have become key elements in her explorations. Leanne is currently finishing her diploma in the Fine Arts Studio Program at Centennial college. As a professional, Ms Gibson is hoping to find a place in the gaming world where she can exercise her considerable skills.Twitter
    Email: [email protected]